So over the past few weeks I have been enjoying myself and seeing people for what they really are. But hey that's always yes?
So work is so fun. And as always why work some place you don't have any fun at right? But yes I work for IKEA and it is such a silly and fun place to work for. the people are great but some of you uppity stupid rich white brats are annoying. I thought blacks, Asians, and Hindu's were bad and whiny. but I would be fucking damned if rich white people don't whine over the stupidest and most insignificant things in a sort. Black Friday had me laughing my ass off at some of the most arrogant and egotistical white people I have ever met. Fun people with that much arrogance and ego think they are sooooo confidante but they don't truly understand that you should be self confidant so no one has to stroke your EGO to make you feel better then someone else. Its why I am so glad my minions at work are so good and learning to drop Ego And arrogant asses down in there place.
And someone tell me who do to ego arrogant not really all that interesting fags live together and think it will work out for a long time? I don't know any two people that are arrogant and driven by pathic egos really stand each other for any long period of time. And I got called rasict the other day or so about a week or so. it was so funny being that I was talking to group of white people I went to school with and such. And the guy that called me a Rasict was suprized the the group was on my side cause they all know as much as I down white people I do the same to blacks and everyone else on a person to person basises. Not really stupid enough to say I hate a whole race my self as that is just too much hate to burn and I am simply to lazy to bother with hating that many people that I don't know and that don't really mean much to me unless I know them first. And I do thank everyone I have ever meet for making a person that believes in getting to know someone first before being vain enough to pass judgment on someone with out getting to know them.
SOOOOOn I hope to be getting my own place and getting a marine I know to move in and then later on the rest of my half too once he is settled into school and stuff. I hope to get my cousin to move down from the Ville too and get him out of the life he is stuck in now and a another friend of mine too but he is too stuck up some girls ass, or cunt for which ever you prefer, to actually bother with trying to get his life worked out. And for those of you that most know he is white and is a good friend of mine, or was until I moved and he started to work a lot.
Well the gaming at the shop has been going funny and things seem to be moving along but since I started working I have started to miss a lot of the gaming, but hey it makes it more fun to come back to it you know LOL. Funny thing is I am looking forward to having Kent come back to town for a bit. I really miss the little brat :P But then again I will probably only see him in passing when he runs to the shop to game a bit and then hangs out with his friends. Oh and I finally accomplished having my character go broke as he wants to be but I doubt it will last any length of time and he will be, once more, the RICHEST MAN IN THE TWO GALAXIES regardless if he wants to or not. Its funny spending the game cash and stuff and the funny things that happened to someone that thinks if he has money he will die and he always makes it though the hardest of trials in life when he has the most money LOL. poor thing.
But hmm I am still working on getting my own game together and stuff which is always fun to run when I get a chance too and I know it will give James something to do at the shop since he wants someone to run a game he can play in and enjoy. Which is kewl as long as you give him dialogue to deal with and not mindless crawls and stuff. Damn Brit.
Oh I had finally got my car back to have it only need to get back to the fucking damn shop for the same thing it went for in the first place..... I hate not having my koebera to drive you know. it was soooooo good to get him back from the shop to start with after a engine swap and drive him for a bit then have a tranny problem take him to the shop for that and $225 later to have him end up with the same tranny problem he was suppose to have fixed. so me and Koe are both pissed off as he sits in the parking lot of our complex and awaits his trip back to the wire guy. Hmmmm I know he misses crusing up and down the stripe and the expressway thumping to some jams and being silly with my friends. And yes my cars have always had a unique personality and anyone that has been in one or driven them know this as my cars pick and choice who they like to drive them and who they cant tolerate as my dad found out with my car and the car before it as every time he touched them something happened. But hey my dads a moron that deserves every fucked up thing that happens to him actually.
So X-mase should be a blast as my mom is coming down to visit and I always have fun when moms here. So I am going to take her to IKEA and let her pick out something for the house she likes and get it for her since I have like $1700 some odd bucks to spend in the store.
Now what the hell else do I put in here?