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alory_shannon December 21 2011, 19:04:58 UTC
No, YOU'RE not dumb at all--that would be Fail-Jay, clearly. B|

There are just SO many things that are bad or wrong with these changes. 53+ pages of commenters over on the news page can't be wholly wrong, LJ why aren't you listening, taking notes, giving users what they want which I had thought was kind-of important, but clearly must not be. I mean, if they wanted to fix something, how about doing something about how slow comment notifs consistently are? I haven't gotten a single e-mail about ANY of these comments yet--I saw them in my LJ inbox, since I've had to take to checking that instead of e-mail if I want to see people's replies on the same day they make them.

...And this .gif HOW IT IS right now...Arthur being LJ, Merlin being LJ users. B|

... )


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alory_shannon December 21 2011, 23:05:00 UTC
.......Ahaha, I might've read all that wrong + lol Google Translator, but I don't think there's much PASSIVE in that passive-aggressive. What a jerk.

I really hope they go back on this, too. I didn't really care either way when it came to the profile changes, because although the changes weren't so pretty, the blasted thing still did everything it was supposed to, unlike these ~new and improved~ comment pages. B|

HEY YEAH, THAT SURE WOULD BE A HANDY THING TO BE ABLE TO DO! But no, now we can only edit our comments or re-post/delete comments once we've fixed the HTML (maybe), then rinse and repeat if it's STILL not right, making MORE e-mail notifs for LJ to send out two days late. B|


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alory_shannon December 22 2011, 06:58:31 UTC
OHO. I did not know that. Now I wonder if they ever fixed it...though I would not be at all surprised to find the answer to that is NO.

............You know what, I vote for more DDoS attacks for LJ. GO GET 'EM GUYS, it's not like WE'RE gonna be missing out on anything any more. B|

I think we users are united in doing this dance right now:

... )


alory_shannon December 22 2011, 07:32:45 UTC
+ LOL one of the angry feedback-post comments I read just now:

Livejournal's motto: IF IT AIN'T BROKE, FIX IT TILL IT IS.


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