Jun 10, 2011 14:36


So yeah, saw Thor about 2-3 weeks ago, and despite my initial reaction of Natalie Portman WHAT are you doing in my superhero movie? B| I actually rather enjoyed it. It was fun, at least, and then of course, I…well, the way someone over on Tumblr said it is the only way to really say it:

“…That awkward moment when you fall in love with the main ( Read more... )

i r teh gud writ3r hurr, no time for tags right now, bromance of the epic sort, anime, loki, manga, thor!

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alory_shannon June 11 2011, 05:15:43 UTC
...And that would STILL probably be better/more interesting than the GL movie will be. :| It just...looks BEYOND F4 AND HULK-LEVEL BAD. WORSE THAN SPIDERMAN 3 AND BATMAN FOREVER BAD, ABANDON HOPE ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE.

I know...a lot of the older Thor stuff was RIDICULOUSLY BAD, but I have little interest in "classic" comics anyway, so. I'm sort of just starting to explore what's new with Thor, so I'll let you know as I go with that one. Deadpool...I don't know that I've read much of ANYTHING Deadpool that I haven't liked, but let me get you some specific issue numbers/names. Iron Man, I've mostly seen in certain Avengers issues and then the whole Civil War arc (which was pretty decent across the board) and then the Skrull invasion which...was cool-ish sometimes but mostly just lulzy INVASION OF THE BODY-SNATCHERS type stuff. X-men...oh geez, there is just So Much X-men. SO many spin-offs, so many series, so many different little groups of characters. Those ones are REALLY a shot in the dark, and will probs take the longest to get info on, but I'll give it my best. :]b

lol OKAY I was a little like, I thought he knew more than this, but it is Friday and getting late and maybe I read it wrong..? RE: the new Batman...I am SO not sold on Anne Hathaway PRINCESS MIA FFFF playing Catwoman. B| Just...no. The ~ROMANCE~ factor is the ONE aspect of the two (soon to be three) new Batman movies that I have honestly and intensely disliked. I CHEERED WHEN RACHEL DAWES WENT BOOM, PLZ LET HER BE DEAD FOR REAL AND FOR GOOD, STAY THE EFF AWAY FROM HER RAS NO LAZURUS PITS FOR HER K. And actually, I'm pretty certain that the teaser at the end of Thor is for the Avengers movie, not Captain America. From what I've heard, Loki's gonna be the first Big Bad they have to work together to take down~ >D


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alory_shannon June 11 2011, 05:58:30 UTC
OH GOD THEY SO WERE. SO WAS DAREDEVIL, though I can't remember much of that one because I was so disgusted/horrified/etc. that I've blocked it from my memory. The first F4 movie is the only one I saw, and that was pretty atrocious also, but then again, I kind of dislike the F4 in general SO. :| And AUGH YES I am keeping my fingers crossed SO HARD for the Spidey reboot. XO And I have no idea what their plans are concerning that, except for putting Spidey back into HS, but the "Ultimate Spider-man" comic series (writer: Bendis) was generally pretty decent ...until it hit the 'clone saga' part and things went a little weird, but I don't really think there IS a way to do that part well, and if they do something along those lines, I think there's a good amount of hope for it. :]

...MAN TEEL DEERZ EVERYWHAR, I apologise. I ate like a five-year-old today--ONLY COOKIES, ALL DAY, ffff.

Catwoman is hands-down my FAVOURITE Batman villain (...more like antihero, and semi-recently HERO, lol), and Anne Hathaway is SO many kinds of wrong for her, I can't even. BUT AT LEAST THEY DIDN'T CAST HALLE FSKING BERRY. B| And yeah, Bane...is a pretty odd choice, but then again, a LOT of the Bat-villains are...really freakin' weird, or just goofy. Black Mask and Hush are pretty badass, but I feel like it's still too early in the movie series for either of them to be used at max effectiveness. Mr. Freeze, Riddler, Penguin, and Poison Ivy should be included before either of those.

...But...isn't the Cap movie, like...mostly about his past waaaay before the Avengers, how he became Cap and then him fighting Nazis? That's what it looked like from the previews. Didn't see ANY present-day-looking stuff in there. =\ HOW MUCH YOU WANNA BET THE TEASER-TRAILER AT THE END OF THE CAP MOVIE WILL BE SOMETHING ABOUT HIM GETTING FOUND/THAWED OUT OF THAT ICEBERG HE SOMEHOW WINDS UP IN. XD /not a big Cap fan, & so doesn't know All The History RE: that


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alory_shannon June 11 2011, 07:14:41 UTC
...Yeeeeeah, I get as far as thinking BEN AFFLECK WAS DAREDEVIL and then...sort of black out due to horror and revulsion and when I come to again it takes me a minute to...hmmm, what were we talking about again? F4 RIGHT, I never liked them just in the CAMEOS they got in other series, I can't IMAGINE how boring and pompously terrible and all-around melodramatic they'd be in their OWN series. Though I do admit to having a soft spot for Dr. Doom, if only because he is so patently ridiculous. ...The fact that ONE OF HIS DREAMS IS TO DESTROY RICHAAAAAAARDS!!! THE F4 has noooothing to do with me liking him just a little, srs. |3

...Also, Doom's personal TV Tropes page is Just About The Best Ever. Written as if he himself were writing it, it is well worth the serious risk to one's life that is always incurred by going to that site even casually.

Last I heard HS age!Spidey was still go, but that...was a while ago, so I've no idea anymore.

Aww! Well, hit me up any time you wanna talk about 'em! I really only read what I can get my hands on through the libraries here, which...is getting better as time goes on, but still isn't as much as I'd like, so I'm not as well-read as I wish I could be, but. I'm still always happy to talk about whatever I do know. :D + Imma have to look into signing up for that Marvel-reader thing for a few months, maybe, and get SERIOUSLY caught up on...EVERYTHING, lmao.

Heh, somehow I am not surprised that you like Riddler. :] And yeah, Bane's never been one of the more ~famous~ Bat-villains, and I thought he wasn't even created until the early 90s sometime, but eh...guess we'll see.

...I-I'm just saying that the end of Thor can't really be a teaser for Cap's movie, because...the end of Thor is more present-day, and Cap's all WWII so. Unless maybe part of THE PLAN is to steal that SEWPER SPESHUL MAGIK BAWKS from the Nazis? IDK I still think it's more an Avengers Teaser because of the THOR WILL RETURN IN THE AVENGERS message right afterward.


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alory_shannon June 11 2011, 14:54:32 UTC
Yeah, Mr. Fantastic is...not fantastic at all, rly. Where the F4 are involved, I typically take the stance of OH MY GOD, I CARE SO LITTLE I NEARLY PASSED OUT. But yeah, Doom is...the funniest villain ever. And on that tropes page, my fave is this one:

Doomy Dooms of Doom: It is Doom's name, and it is what Doom shall bring to those that oppose him. Why should Doom not be allowed the psychological advantage frequent use of his name enables?

Riddler's another Bat-villain who has swung towards being NOT-bad of semi-late. He's, like...a detective now, lmao. And RE: Riddler's origin...I've read different things that are all supposedly 'canon'--I guess it's sorta like the Joker, they have a least two origins stories for him, too, so IDEK.

...Well, if YOU were lead actor in that first terrible Hulk movie, would you have wanted to be in the second one? The first alone probs put a terrible dent in his career; doing the second would likely scuttle it entirely.

...Also, in watching Code Geass, when I got to Mao...I just laaaaaughed, because imagining you RPing him makes me both happy and kind of afraid. |D


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alory_shannon June 11 2011, 22:27:14 UTC
...No, JLA...I have noooo interest in any of that, because even if Batman is in there sometimes, he is surrounded by more doofuses and tools than it bears thinking about, and even Batman's awesome can't make up for that. :|

It was years ago, and it was bad, so I don't remember. Geez IDK, I'll have to take a Wiki. ....Aaaand yeah, Wiki says you're right, Hulk 2 was a reboot.

HE WAS SO CREEPY, OH MAN. The CLAPPING, though...made me want to punch him. Didn't you RP him somewhere, or was that just me being...me and misremembering things...


alory_shannon June 11 2011, 06:21:11 UTC
ALSO ttly random & NOOOOTHING whatsoever to do with any of this, BUT! New Kenshin anime! What's your stance on this, excited, not excited, what? :Oa So far all I know is that there's going to be a new one, I know no specifics.


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alory_shannon June 11 2011, 06:49:43 UTC
News article here, Google turns up a few others, all of which are...fairly uninformative, orz. It's apparently still under development/being made, and was just announced in the last few months, so IDK if they have a release date yet.

Also also, how's it goin' with the puppehs? :D Haven't heard from you in a while, I was startin' to wonder a bit.


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alory_shannon June 11 2011, 14:12:38 UTC
IKR? I was a little like...not that I'm not happy, because pretty new animation would be cool + (oh gosh it's been so long I don't even remember--REVAMP MIGHT BE V. GOOD FOR ME--but) I seem to remember there being some weird filler and I didn't think they got all the way through the series in the anime...maybe they're sort of doing what they did with FMA and FMA: B.

Good! And ahaha, awww, that is too cute. XD <3


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alory_shannon June 11 2011, 22:18:16 UTC
I...cannot really have an opinion on the FMA issue, because I've only watched the original series (twice), and haven't watched ANY FMA:B. I've read most of the manga though...and I think FMA:B is on Netflix instant, so I should probs get on that, just 'cause. IT IS WHAT A GOOD FAN WOULD DO...OR SOMETHING...

But YEAH that whole FILLER SEASON thing makes it sound like a new anime might be really good for RK--maybe they'll do it right all the way through this time.


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