"Not So Special, K?"

Aug 26, 2008 00:39


I think I should really start posting a "Library Story of the Day", because almost EVERY day that I go into work, I get asked questions that anyone with an ounce of common sense would not have to ask. For example, I had this exchange with a patron at the library today:

Middle-Aged Lady: -beckons me over to her computer, where I find that she's trying to set up an e-mail account- "What's that mean?" -points at screen, where it says that the stunningly creative user name she'd chosen (her first and middle initials in front of her last name) was "unavailable"-

Me: "Ah, I'm sorry, that means that user name is already taken."

Middle-Aged Lady: -looks at me with surprised disbelief- "Someone else has my name?"

Me: -resisting the urge facepalm- "...It...would seem so. You could add a number to it..."

Middle-Aged Lady: -huffs rather indignantly and types some more letters onto it instead-

Can you believe it, the nerve of someone else having her name.

It was so very hard not to tell her that she was not a beautiful or unique snowflake--she was the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

In other, totally unrelated and quite boring news, I was good and ran/walked my three miles today. I need to be better about that, so if one of you peoples whom I talk to on a regular basis would like to take on the most likely quite thankless role of pestering me about that occasionally, I think I'd appreciate it.

gtfo my internet, fer serious, library story of the day, i really am totally serious, it was literally "terribly funny", really kinda ridiculous, simple observations, i can't believe these people, i can has job let me show you it, common sense should be ordered in bulk, bitches, blargh, welcome to the internets

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