Hehe, that sounds like the title of a children's book.
Anyway, I told
herminia that I'd go through our camera's memory cards and find pics of my kitties, specifically of Possum when he was kitten, so.
We'll start with the old lady kitty.
Her name is Cutie Paws, and I got her when I was six, which explains the rather dreadful name. (What's worse was that we thought she was a boy when we got her...and I STILL chose that name.)
She is old (16 or so now) and rather crabby, since my brother was literally a year old when I got her and unintentionally terrorised her as children often do when they don't realise animals should be treated like living creatures instead of stuffed toys.
Next, my brother's kitty, Smokey.
Who looks quite evil in this pic. ("I am surrounded by INCOMPETENCE.")
He's about 11, and kinda a scaredy-cat. We got him from the Humane Society. He likes being around people and sitting on laps, but he's very heavy. If he jumps up on my bed at night and curls up next to my legs, I can't really move them lol.
My daddy's kitty, Star. (My brother named her. He obviously has better taste in names than I did when I was younger.)
She was a stray hanging around my dad's work. One day, she just hopped into the car, so he brought her home. :] However, we didn't know until we took her to the vet...
...That she was pregnant. :O
(I joke that she was a teen mom, because she really was little more than a kitten herself, as you can tell by the narrowness of her face in that first pic of her.)
Three kittens, all black & white, all boys.
Here's Possum, the one we ended up keeping.
With my dad.
And sleeping next to my dad.
Smokey put up with the little buggers with the patience of a saint.
...Supposing that saints went around looking rather put out and spent a large portion of their time running away or hiding upstairs, which the kittens were too small to manage for a long while.
I wanted to keep the fluffy one, which my brother had dubbed "McFuzzles". (...Not the best name, but still better than 'Cutie Paws'.)
He liked me best, but the lady who ended up taking him was a real cat-lover whose kitty had recently passed away due to old age, and whose children were grown up. I'm sure he's been spoiled rotten. :]
She even sent us a Christmas card later that year with a picture of "Patches", all big and beautiful and fluffy. So I was sad that we didn't get to keep him, but I was VERY glad he got a good home, and Possum is the awesomest cat ever, so it's all good.
(But I think UR MUM SEES WUT U R DOIN THAR, Fuzzles.)
Bigger, but still pretty little.
The Poose gets into everything.
Including some awkward positions.
He sleeps on my bed usually at least once a day, snores, likes his tummy rubbed, and fetches the plastic ring that comes around the lid of the milk container if you throw it for him. He steals my hair ties, and any small, shiny things he can get ahold of, rather like a magpie. He likes knocking things over. He does not particularly like being held, since he's still pretty young (about three, I think) and therefore very active.
(Old pic, lol--my hair's still long. XD)
And now, random shots of the clan.
Star has a beer belleh. And likes to sit in that odd position.
SmokeyXStar. :3
She loves him to pieces. Follows him around, tries to cuddle with him all the time, grooms him. It's sort of a Sasuke/(fangirl!)Sakura relationship though--he doesn't seem to enjoy the attention all that much, he just sort of puts up with it, though sometimes he gets irritated with her and wants her to leave him alone. Which of course she doesn't. |D
All parties seem to enjoy grooming orgies group naps, however.
THERE IS NO ESCAPE. Not that she seems to mind. XD
I found loads of other great non-kitty pictures, though I am uncertain as to whether I am technically ALLOWED to post some of them. (All you need to know: I am a very persuasive older sibling, which is rather unfortunate for my brother at times.) It was a while ago, but I think I told him I wouldn't show anyone the pictures.
Heh. I'm such a liar. >] Or is he just a sucker?
Ah well. I'll post some of the fun pics at a later date, so your computers can recover from this entry. XD
(...Is it bad that I'm not having some moral conundrum here? lol *straightens Slytherin prefect's badge* >])
Heeeee...now I'm all floaty-happy from all the cuteness. XD