So That's It! (RPG blather ahead)

Sep 21, 2008 23:08

Finally figured out what bothers me about WoD: How so much of the fiction jeers hackneyed cliches then turns right around, trips, and falls into a deeper pit of cliched hackneyness that is somehow more "authentic" than the old one.

This is also what bothers me about the ''Exalted'' tagline "Don't listen to those old men who say the world used to be a dull and boring place, full of dirty peasants; it was actually REALLY COOL." (the added irony of course is that ''Exalted'' used to be a setting that was so profoundly fucked up in so many creative ways, the best case scenario was its eventual transformation into the WoD. There's a Sour Grapes trope in there somewhere, but I'm too tired to care)
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