Hi! I just thought I'd leave you some feedback here, since you asked for it. :) I've looked at your gallery before, and you have an great range of color and vivacity in your work. I especially enjoyed details like the color choices on the dragon in the second First Task picture. You also seem to have a great imagination for background details, subject matter, and body positioning. I have to agree with Lizard on the topic of clarity- I think it would greatly help your drawings if you used some darker lineart to emphasize your figures and shapes, they often get lost amongst the busyness of the backgrounds. Another way to make your figures pop out would be to use more muted colors for things that don't need as much emphasis, such as curtains and other more unimportant background details. Sometimes the colors you use (such as blazing reds) tend to distract from what the viewer should actually be looking at-like people having sex. ;) One other nitpicky thing I have to offer is that occasionally your anatomy seems a bit off. Exaggerating arm length might help, as well as watching that the heads on your subjects aren't too big. That's a really common problem though, I struggle with it often.
If you want more people to view your work, I really think you should post art to this journal. I scanned through your entries, and it looks like maybe you don't know how to do it? Your best bet would probably be photobucket.com. It's a very easy way to upload and post your pictures. Good luck with everything, and keep up the good work!
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