(no subject)

Apr 02, 2010 01:07

07:36 @ mistress_triple YAY, GOOD PET! #

09:04 @ Cara_Chipmunk That... was awesome. #

09:14 RT @Cara_Chipmunk 100 ways to please your mistress: tinyurl.com/2g9mqh #

09:41 @ mistress_triple ? #


09:43 @ touchedvenus it's Legend of the Seeker and it's AWESOME #

09:48 @ mistress_triple community.livejournal.com/legendofseeker/509563.html #

10:09 @ touchedvenus Hehe, Patrick was good taste! You guys should watch the show! It's pretty!!!! #

10:10 @ mistress_triple I dunno. I'm just glad I got team seeker and not team edward like @reallyally did. #

10:22 @ amezri part of their april fool's joke. #

10:25 @ mistress_triple that's a serious question? LOL. #

10:27 @ OzWilkinson what'd he do? #

10:31 @ amezri Hopefully it is. Cause it really sucks... #

10:31 @ mistress_triple no.. I do not like Twilight. #

10:38 @ OzWilkinson LOL!!!!!!! #

10:38 @ mistress_triple Why would you lie to your mistress??? #

11:00 @ kagamisky haha whut?? Actually? That'd make sense... his quality is on par with bollywood, LOL. #

11:00 @ gunandagirl I'm having fun, LOL. We played a prank on one of my comms yesterday and it was made of 100% win. #

11:05 @ kagamisky That's so win! Though after the awesome that was this week's chapter, he could have said anything and I'd still be on this high! #

11:29 @ MorbidEclipse That's like the advert i heard this morning. selling cat food made with cats that have already eaten the right vitamins, lol. #

11:38 @ Cara_Chipmunk don't forget to remind people to vote for the what ifs. Otherwise they will feel the agiel wrath. #

11:46 @ kagamisky oi oi! in NY we celebrate with food and taiko drumming exhibitions! #

12:20 ... just had to reboot my computer. Talk of the Sakura Matsuri killed my internets... A sign perhaps? #

12:22 @ octagonally my account is a Seeker one! username is my lj name. #

12:24 @ ReallyAlly EEP!! #

12:25 @ youkosiren LOL. Love the cosplayers. It totally makes no sense! #

12:25 @ ReallyAlly AT&T Sucks. #

12:28 @ octagonally I know you meant deviantart. LOL. I have the seeker icon with kahlan! alorarose.deviantart.com/ #

14:32 @ JanellCS You have to pretend it's about something completely different. I love that show soooo much. #

14:32 @ fraying_ends So many good vegetables wasted. #

14:39 @ AllyPeaceNLove I would have had a lot to say if I'd gotten a twilight one. #

14:48 Dear twitter people who follow anyone that mentions twilight. IT SUCKS ASS. GET SOME TASTE IN LITERATURE. You follow me and i'll click spam #

14:52 @ ReallyAlly stop insulting piles of poo!! #

14:53 @ hoskie lol!! Can I retweet that? That's awesome. #

14:54 @ Miriamele it was some crap thing about news of an actress.No idea who. But I don't need pointless people following me to up their numbers #

14:59 @ ravagesofspirit lol....... it decided you needed better taste in middle of the day programming. #

15:03 @ dameningen HOO HA HOOHA!! #

15:14 @ JanellCS doesn't matter. Just think of it as AU fanfic! #

17:39 @ dameningen Have you ever been in love? #

17:41 How am I supposed to read all these fairy tale submissions when my attention span is zero? #legendland #

17:45 @ dameningen It tickles in my tummy he is so yummy yummy hey you should get a best friend too #

17:49 @ leetje Does your best friend tickle in your tummy, Leonie? #

17:52 @ dameningen @leetje hey you should get a best friend too!!!! #

17:56 LOL RT @hoskie You know it's bad when the Toys R Us staff recognises you... #

17:56 @ hoskie I missed your reply about the DA thing, haha. Guess I'm just more awesome than you. *struts* #

18:04 @ Cara_Chipmunk no, LOL. #

22:24 @ MorbidEclipse Do you want to pick a night to go see How to Train Your Dragon? #
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