Thank you, George W. Bush, for reminding me yet again that we never really had any rights. Nobody ever really needed Habeus Corpus anyway, right? Maybe I should end all of my sentences with "right." But that just doesn't feel right
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i typed and deleted various responses to this entry, but i guess all that really can be said is that this is the saddest thing i've heard in the whole 28 minutes i've been awake.
a lot.
we literally haven't spoken in..five days, or something? i'm fairly seriously considering moving to orange county. i really don't know what's going on, man.
my sister extended an invitation for me to come live with her and her boyfriend in huntington, go to goldenwest or long beach community. she acted like the opportunity had always been there, but i'd really never thought about it. i am now, though. why not?
but, yeah. it's not anything. just a strange, sudden, interesting tidbit.
anyway, fuck you. call me. i never know where you are, or i would do the calling a little more frequently.
Re: Fuck me??of_isolationOctober 25 2006, 19:36:56 UTC
you're probably right. we'd morph into some horrible, dillusional shebeast with a moderately impressive vocabulary and a killer ass. i could get into that.
yesterday, i learned how to knit. i can make you pretty much anything, providing that it's long and straight and resembles a scarf.
a lot.
we literally haven't spoken in..five days, or something? i'm fairly seriously considering moving to orange county. i really don't know what's going on, man.
but, yeah. it's not anything. just a strange, sudden, interesting tidbit.
anyway, fuck you. call me. i never know where you are, or i would do the calling a little more frequently.
Take me with you. The only way this will ever work now is if we are isolated from everyone forever. FOR-Eh-VER.
yesterday, i learned how to knit. i can make you pretty much anything, providing that it's long and straight and resembles a scarf.
moderately impressive vocabulary, rapidly digressive grammar.
a baseball bat carrier is pretty much a scarf. i'm on it.
SO..... this Rabbi and a clown were sitting next to eachother on Quantum Airlines on their way to chicago. or were they?
14 Muslims, O.J. Simpson and Betty Crocker walk into a bar and the bartender says, What is this a joke?"
So, 2 cannibals are eating a clown and one turns to the other and says, "does this taste funny to you?"
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