Mental breakdown - party of one.

Feb 01, 2012 18:14

What upppp, LJ-ers?!

Sorry I've been so MIA. Just as I'd suspected earlier, this semester has proven to be much more time-consuming/soul-crushing/all-around-difficult than last. Last semester was all about weeding out the not-as-smart people. This semester, apparently, is all about seeing which of us can survive the heartless, soul-crushing trials and tribulations of being a law student.

This week, I'm currently suffering through one of two Hell Weeks (the latter week being the one prior to finals) that apparently occur during first years' second semester.

Hell Week consists of an impossible mountain of work that cannot be completely tackled. Each professor assigns their students various time-consuming assignments that are all due within a few days of each other. On top of that, the assigned reading for each week has either tripled for each class or has some pretty dense material that is particularly difficult to understand if you don't have the time to dedicate to it - which we don't, because we have an equal amount of work to do in our other classes.

According to the second and third years, you never really know when it's going to happen. Your section's professors all find one week when their respective classes get difficult and coordinate the syllabi so we encounter all the difficult material during the same week. (I actually don't know if they plan it this way, but they are all aware of our situations and even laugh about it. One of my friends overheard two of our professors talking about how frazzled we all are and joked around about how incompetent we are. What the fuck?!).

  • My civil procedure professor has decided to give us a full-length exam tomorrow morning. It's worth 10% of our total grade, but it fucking sucks because we haven't had the time to prepare like we did for our final in the fall and ohmygod I'm going to fail. FUCKING HATE PERSONAL JURISDICTION. 
  • My contracts professor gave us this ridiculous research assignment in which we have to review some imaginary client's contract about mortgages or some bullshit and record a ten-minute video of ourselves giving our "client" our advice - aka WHAT THE FUCK. She'll watch the videos and then rate our performance (which is a whopping 15% of our grade). Excuse me while I try not to have a panic attack. Oh wait, this is also due tomorrow? #dead
  • My property professor is teaching us about mortgages and loans and liens and how they affect the process of conveying various estates and interests. Since most of you aren't trained in the legal profession, this probably means nothing to you. I, having had a semester of law school under my belt, don't even understand what I just typed. We are having a "quiz" (read: exam) on it this Saturday. SATURDAY. WHAT THE FUCK. WHO THE HELL DOES SATURDAY CLASSES/FAKE EXAMS?! Whatever. I didn't even want that 10% anyway...
  • My legal writing professor had assigned us this project at the beginning of this semester and made it so it'd be due this week (on Friday, more specifically). Little did we know this week would be hell week. If I'd known, I would've finished this soul-crushing project FOREVER ago so I might have had a chance to survive.
  • Finally, my torts professor - bless her soul - is the sweetest person (let alone lawyer) that I've ever met. She isn't assigning us any projects or exams. However, she decided to contribute to the insanity by assigning us THREE HUNDRED PAGES OF READING this week. THREE. HUNDRED. PAGESSS. Usually she has a laid back approach to discussing cases. This week, she's been calling on us and drilling us in a true Socratic method. I had my ass handed to me as I tried to answer rapid fire questions. I'm not looking forward to class tomorrow (who has two thumbs and still hasn't read all three hundred pages? THIS GAL).

This is worse than finals week. We at least saw that coming. I didn't think we'd have hell week so early into the semester (these last three-almost-four weeks have felt like years).

Why didn't I go to grad school and get my master's in something rewarding, like public policy or anthropology? Sigh. I MIGHT A WELL HAVE GONE TO MED SCHOOL. At least people like doctors. Spending all this time and money and stress just to have the world hate me? GAH.

ON TOP OF ALL THAT, we have a bunch of administrative stuff going on. We have mandatory seminars to attend, papers to fill out by particular deadlines, applications to send in...I don't fucking CARE about the career fair next week! I'll be lucky if I don't get kicked out by the end of the semester! Hell, I'll be lucky if I don't get kicked out by next week. WHAT IS THE POINT OF ALL OF THIS? WHAT. IS. THE. POINT?!

I really shouldn't even be updating right now, but it's been forever since I'd updated and I wanted to touch base with you all. I'm sorry for my lack of presence on the web (except for tumblr. I update that relatively often enough). That whole resolution in which I promised myself I'd learn to balance time better? Yeah, apparently stuff like that doesn't work when you're in law school.

But that's really it. If I don't update by next Monday or Tuesday...yeah. I'll do my best to read/comment during these last few moments of sanity I have left.

Take care!

law school is crushing my soul

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