Nov 02, 2005 16:26
sorry i havent written in this thing for like woah ages!
lmao not that uve missed me(H) but aye
whal...whats hapened in my life since i updated
well yeh joey? we split up ages ago....he lived like too far away and stuff and it was annoying me tht i only saw him like every month *gosh*..
it was ok but i did miss him for ok now.. =] we talked for a few weeks after we split but his msn broke again n we lost contact...he has a nu gf called rachael lol so yeh
i met sum other guy......danny....TOTALLY bad idea to get close to him.....
he like lied to me too much and stuff and it rele got me down...oh well.....wen we like 'split up' he like told me to ''go slit my wrists..die..and make sum1 happy:)'' exactly those words..o well who cares
well today was fun. school :) lmao! well me n john hav made up n eveytings grt :) rhona likes him agein *hehe haha hardeharhar*
o well....i was on the fone to moe last night :) my english friend =)
i fone dhim and we talked for a while..he was flabergasted by my accent *hides* lmao
vary kool
well me n becky n dasha n rach had a grt day in biology...hmmhmm we drew funny pictures =] it was funfunfun
they drew suzanne with bus as feet and it was rather humorous harharhar!..
im bored....chris had to carry me a wee bit home today...gosh tht boy is strong!!!!
lmao! he carried me over the puddle of mud coz my shoes wud get mucky and i was like 'OMIGOD U BIG MUSCLE MAN!'
i shud go
baye xxx<333333