Jul 20, 2004 01:29
The sparkle in your eyes..
Heyy. Alright well before I start off typing I have to say I love Liz & that she is a great person. Okay. Well anyways today was a good day I guess woke up pretty early and just chilled around the house until 3. I had physical therapy it was so nice, the lady was making me feel like a princess dude. She was giving me all these back rubs (( only if it was some hot guy )) that would be priceless. After that I went home took a shower and got ready and went to Nessa's. Me and Nessa have been friends since like pre-school. Her mom and my mom are real good friends. She is so pretty, I envy her. Her boyfriend is fine as hell too. We had so much fun. I missed her. Then we left her house at like 10:00 and my parents picked me up and we went to Meijers. That store kicks. It has fucking EVERYTHING! Me and Bobby got 2 parakeets. I named mine JUJI because Juji means little birdy in persian and plus to me it's a cute name. =) I miss so many people right about now it sucks. I want to just go somewhere and see everyone! Ya know? God. This summer blows. Yeah and I got a hat from Meijer that says "boys suck" it's cute. For fucking sure I hope I hang with Christine tomorrow I love her, she is like my sister. Hopefully I will see Kelsea & *Brittany*. I love them to death. But yeah that's about it. Leave comments <33
Puts the stars to shame -<3-