Yeah totally. Even though he had a girlfriend..he was pretty hot.

Dec 10, 2005 22:21

Hey guys,
Wow long time no write, and I'm pretty sure no one ever reads this stuff anyways.

So to start:
Midterms are this week, I'm totally freaking because well....midterms suck balls and I have to get a good grade.
So yeah.

Uhhh today I went to the mall, basically x-mas shopping and stuff now. Need to get it all done.
I volunteered for 4 hours, becuase I'm cool.
Also, when I went to the mall I:

1. Got my picture taken with Santa (Posted below)
2. Was completely humiliated because of my sister....ugh
3. Almost got my brother
4. Got hit on.
5. Got looked at (you know, stares)
Some guy with his girlfriend was like staring at me when I was trying to see some stuff on the bottom rack in Pac Sun and when I looked up he smiled at me. I was like wow, scumbag, you have a girlfriend. Yeah.
But it was nice, I won't deny it.

6. Bought an over-priced shirt.
7. Got stared at some more. Yeah, horny guys in the mall or as Kristy said, "There are no shorter shorts than what you're wearing today!" but yeah. Anyways. It was fun.

I like Randy...and Trey. So I guess I don't know. But I really like Randy. I'm such a player. haha. Oh yeah, my brother should be coming home within a month :).

I'm so happy I miss him dearly. Also, I'm listening to Coldplay because they rock my socks. Totally.
I reorganized my drawers this week ^_______^ Totally rad. I fixed EVERYTHING.

Oh and I like Chris too, he's practically part of Nancy's family, a junior, totally hot, and I liked him before I even saw him. Yeah so I'm pretty content right now, totally flirting. But when am I not? Yeah. Oh and I'm sick. yeah William got me sick. Gosh he sneezed and put his hands on my desk. Gross. Yeah, my AP class totally rocks socks. I have a 97 in there and guess what! I sit in the middle of a bunch of guys!

total greatness

here's my seating chart:

Randy William Shermaine (Girl)

Sean ***ME*** Delara (spelling)

Trey MJ!! Marina

yeah so I talk to Sean, Randy <3 and Trey, oha nd MJ and William for 50 minutes, while I have that class.
Haha, Randy's a hottie. Yeah so ...umm that's about it. The HUGE update guys! Just what you were all waiting for. Perhaps later I'll post my Santa pic :) Becuase I'm cool.

Well it's 10:30 and I'm going to go do....Algebra, English and perhaps CT homework now.
Yeah! get it all done tonight then I can go party when I go to Kat's tomorrow!


Much mother fucking love.
Oh and free will, fuck who you like :)
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