Mar 20, 2004 09:48
what in god's name have I become, talking about tennis in my LJ? I swear, from now on the only reason I will mention those preppy fuckers is to mock them. Then again, it seems I really have no one else I interact with on any regular basis. A number of the most meaningful connections in my life have been dissolving, slowly but surely. Not that there were that many to begin with, but three is more than I expected to see die within a span of six weeks. (Oh, and if you don't care, please stop reading.) Anyway, Brad came over yesterday. It was nice to see him. The last time he was home I was still someone I respected, and he still treats me as such. He was pretty pysched about showing off his Seattle weed, so we hit that and made some lovely ambient music. We talked about things too, for a long time, and it made sense, it really did. He's one of the only people I've ever allowed myself to really take from, more than I give him. If that guy ever needs me I will be there, no questions asked. I played music with Alex too, last week, and just smoked regular California weed when we went hiking. He and I don't talk much anymore, other than music and old friends, but there's another guy I would take a beating for. Anytime... Okay, I lied, I still have people.