Jan 19, 2005 17:57
ok i tried up-dating..then accidently ex-ed out so this is round 2
Ok so monday was a bsut, my parents freaked out cause they didnt want me going to hawthorne then have my brother bring me back to shcool then drive home late at night so yeah i got screwed out of that deal..at least George and Galli had a good time
Tuesday sucked as usual, it was friggen freezing out, had my back to back morning class from 9:30 till 12:30...only good thing aobut my day was getting my internet back..ROCK....and then class from 3:30-4:455 and class from 6-9 that night....tuesday's jsut kill me
Today wasn't that bad, actaully it was pretty good, woke up to the snow coming over the mountains(sounds gay but it was a cool sight) then pretty much relaxed the rest of the day with music, games, movies and some work before my ONE class of the day and now i'm here waiting to go to dinner.
Tomorrow is thursday same schedule as tuesday except no 3 hour class(thank god) then i get to head to the Scranton Cultural Center and i have yet to figure out the rest of my weekend, but i'm sure it shall be magnificent.
Lata Playa's