Oct 25, 2005 14:00
I just read Jae's entry and it got me inspired. My roommate is a constant inspiration to me. It's nice to live with someone who you can see eye to eye with. Today in class, the teacher picked people out to put test thesis statements on the board. Jae was, of course, one of those people, and the class ended up deciding that hers was the best. I wanted to be like, "Yup. That's my roomie." I felt like a proud mother. Anyway, I digress.
I've been thinking about Budapest a lot lately. I'm not really sure why. I mean, Europe is always on my mind, but for some reason, it's been more so of late. Maybe it has something to do with the change of seasons. I'm reminded of the first time I set foot in Hungary. It was freezing cold and snowing. I was terrified and so excited I couldn't breathe. I just kept thinking, "What did I get myself into? Was this the right thing to do?" I felt tiny and sooo far from home. Now, I just want to be back there. Jae mentioned something about falling in love. I completely agree with her. If you've ever been in love and away from the person you love, you know what it feels like to ache, to miss that person so much it physically hurts. Sometimes I feel that for Budapest. I feel as if I've been torn from a lover, from a love affair I never ended. Europe became such a part of me. Not the philosophies or the language or even the experiences, although they all changed me too. I'm talking about something which is impossible to articulate. It's completely abstract and I don't know if I can really describe it. It's what was in the air...in the city streets, in the faces of the people on the metro, in the laughter of my friends and the change in their eyes, in my memories of home...I became a part of the bigger picture while I was over there. It was the first time I stepped outside myself and just was.
Budapest, my home, my lover...it won't stop calling to me.
I have to go back.