Aug 31, 2009 22:58
I remember thinking one time, "Why in gods name do Nikki and Anna complain about answering LJ replies? It's not like it takes that long." Well... I bow to the time eating of comment responses, lol. What was even funnier was I had just got done watching True Blood and like I click off and the first thing I see is that the amount of stuff in my inbox had multiplied by like three. Not to mention I sent Nikki a huge private message of doom, lol. Then of course I had to respond to Anna's LJ post, more specifically True Blood which may have been better since I didn't have high hopes for it, lol.
(no cut since it's quick/short commentary and everyone else has seen it)
Eric I love you, and Bill's pathetic posturing just makes you more awesome. Your "flying hair" was precious. I 'lol'-ed a lot this episode, and even though much didn't happen there was plenty of 'WTF' to go around. Also "teacup humans" lol, and Pam saying she was glad she never had any, more lulz. Pam needs to be more like book!Pam, but maybe... we'll see I suppose. I think I'm prejudiced toward Eric since in the book Bill was a douchebag, buuuuut we shall see how things go next season. All I can say is you might want to reserve judgment depending on what course they choose to go as far as this love triangle business is concerned. I do admit that Eric seemed a little too Sookie-focused this ep, but I feel like the transparency could be on purpose maybe??? Idk, all bets are off when it comes to Eric, and in the book he makes passes at Sookie 24/7 so... I just don't know.
I think Jessica/Hoyt is sad, but I blame Bill for leaving someone who he knows could fly off the handle alone with Hoyt's crazy bitch of a mom. THE THINGS SHE SAID TO HIM POOR WOOBIE! Sad panda needed a hug, hardcore.
Then everyone has pretty much said anything else worth saying I think. I think there will be plenty of 'commentsation' as Amanda calls it, lol.
*end True Blood commentary*
The only other thing I did this evening was write. I saw that everyone was all on MSN at the same time, but I knew I needed to get something down for tomorrow, fortunately it doesn't have to be finished and I made mine short. I think I'll work on what I have going some more tomorrow though. I'll spread it around to the public (aka you guys, lol) when it's more finished and maybe edited some. It's hard to force myself to sit down and write and do nothing else. I didn't even get to Buffy/Angel this evening since I did True Blood and LJ-ed and all. I like writing. It's work, but work that I enjoy. I just need to use the same tack as when I play music. You play a piece through to get the feel of it (in the writing sense that would be writing the whole damn piece) and then polish, polish, polish (edit, edit, edit). The finished product is lovely, and worth the blood/sweat/tears.
I'd also like to blog more about books and stuff. Kind of review maybe, but look at things in a technical sense.
I wouldn't mind to tackle Twilight in the academic sense. Talk about it in more than a "I hate vampires that sparkle" way since that isn't constructive really. I'd also like to talk about Sookie Stackhouse, but that might have to wait depending on how long True Blood runs on HBO ;), hahaha. Of course I'd never run out of things to talk about then, lol.
Though not Shakespeare. Today proved that I suck at getting to the deeper meaning. -_-; I think I'm just rusty. I'll be fine once I hit up some Sparksnotes and am used to being in the class. Today was frustrating though. I was just like *deer in headlights* and I couldn't seem to say anything right. I don't want to be the one he doesn't call on because I stay stupid things *head-desk*. At least I rock my Greek Lit class, and I'll be rocking my Fiction class now that I don't have flat tires to worry about. I srsly need to get my oil changed though. I have 50,000 things to do and I can never remember to do them. I also suck at using my planner.
I'm taking my laptop tomorrow I think. Well... I am, but idk if I'll be dragging it all over campus with me. Not that I'd have to drag it a whole lot o'places, really but it should be lighter than carting around that stupid Shakespeare book.
I swear school is just out to make me crazy. CRA-ZY.
My goal is to have nothing to get done this weekend so I can enjoy it and bask in it. Huzzah Muncie! I'm doing okay so far. In some ways this semester will be more demanding, but also less. I think really I'm going to be alright, woohoo! Anyway I need to go to sleeeeep, and get up eeeearly and wooooooork and get McDonald's iced coffee (well maybe, if it's not freeze your ass off cold outside).
Btw, my classes are done at 12:20 on Friday so I can just come right over after that if one of you is going to be done/be there. Is there anything else I should bring besides my tablet and the essentials? <3
true blood