Apr 26, 2009 01:16
Not a real post. I'm just doing the book meme, ftw.
1) What Author Do You Own The Most Books By?
R.L. Stine, from back in the day, old school yo.
Second most, Stephen King
2) What Book Do You Own The Most Copies Of?
Probably...Lord of the Rings, that's the only thing I recall having multiple copies of.
3) What Fictional Character Are You Secretly In Love With?
No secrets here that I can think of, besides the people that I don't really get a chance to 'fangirl' about. It's not like I'm actively hiding my love though.
4) What Book Have You Read More Than Any Other?
Bambi by Felix Salten, the Darlington Library has the check out card to prove it.
Followed closely by Micheal Crichton's Jurassic Park.
5) What Was Your Favorite Book When You Were 10-Years-Old?
Liiike...5'th Grade? I'm not sure. I remember being really in love with The Island of the Blue Dolphins in elementary school, and I think that was later on. A Wrinkle In Time maybe, I think I read that around then.
6) What Is The Worst Book You've Read In The Past Year?
7) What Is The Best Book You've Read In The Past Year?
The Noble Dead Series or whatever Stephen King I read.
8) If You Could Tell Everyone You Know To Read One Book, What Would It Be?
Lord of the Rings, one author to rule them all...
9) What Is The Most Difficult Book You've Ever Read?
Dandelion Wine...only because it was very difficult to keep myself from burning it, lmao. On a technical level...Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice (good god was that...let's just say heavy) or Frankenstein for psychological/philosophical reasons. Beloved by Toni Morrison ranks up there too.
10) Do You Prefer The French Or The Russians?
The Russians.
11) Shakespeare, Milton Or Chaucer?
Oh man...I don't know who to pick :(
1. Chaucer, 2. Shakespeare, 3. Milton
...so thus I ranked.
12) Austen Or Eliot?
13) What Is The Biggest Or Most Embarrassing Gap In Your Reading?
Well if we're going time gap, nada since I've had American Lit and Fiction this semester. If we're going general gap the more intellectual reads that I've neglected or been neglected, etc.
14) What Is Your Favorite Novel?
This question is next to impossible for me. I'll go ahead and say Dark Tower as that is definitely at the top of the list somewhere.
15) Play?
16) Poem?
I don't remember the exact title, but something about Hades and Persephone
17) Essay?
The Potholder one by my fiction teacher.
18) Short Story?
Currently, The Gingerbread Girl
19) Non-Fiction?
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (it's really the only non-fiction I've read besides Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography)
20) Graphic Novel?
The Fray, thanks to Anna
21) Memoir?
We'll go with Ben Franklin's AB
22) History?
23) Mystery Or Noir?
Sherlock Holmes
24) Science Fiction?
The works of Micheal Crichton.
25) Who Is Your Favorite Writer?
Once again, an unfair question pour moi, but I'll go with Stephen King though JKR holds a fond spot in my heart too.
26) Who Is The Most Overrated Writer Alive Today?
Stephanie Meyer, probably followed closely by Christopher Paolini
27) What Are You Reading Right Now?
Just After Sunset, Walt Whitman
writing meme