Nov 10, 2008 14:47
First example of how the universe is out to get me, well I'm totally PMSing and I have not one exam like I thought this week, but TWO, and one just so happens to fall on my evening of Supernatural greatness *twitch*. Also the two Asian men sitting across the way as well as the two Caucasian gentlemen (who aren't speaking english) are all carrying obnoxiously loud conversations that make me want to blow my brains out. As I'm trying to study for my Psych exam and I'm angsting about my Mythology exam (even though I got a 99 on the last one and all we're really doing is the Illiad and Odyssey that is still more than plenty to remember).
There's also the fact that I as a Purdue student finally get to schedule my own classes as I please and I have a time window today and tomorrow to get them scheduled and the stupid website is telling me that two of them can't be found when my counselor made it seem like they were being offered. CLCS 181 and ENGL 331 are apparently non-existent in the system. CLSC 181 is Global Perspective and the last of my Core requirements and ENGL 331 is Medieval Lit, and I could find a listing for the Renaissance Lit either which that may sound like an odd class choice but since I have loads of extra space floating around in my schedule I think I'm picking up two minors, lol. A Classical Studies Minor (since I only have to take two more classes for that one) and perchance the Medieval and Renaissance Studies minor (aka MARS [so if you see the acronym MARS in the future that's what it I'm talkin' about, lol]). I have to take a prerequisite for it so we'll see how I like it I guess. I was looking through the minors drawer in the College of Liberal Arts office and I don't think there is much else that I'd like to take. I don't really like memorizing names and dates, but even though it's been like (oh god how many years?) forever since we did the Canterbury Tales for academic team I might still be able to tell you what The Wife of Bath was about. Also I wouldn't mind doing Beowulf or Shakespeare again. I could even take a Shakespeare film class and not only is it listed as ENGL (which means it counts for my major too), but it's like 400 level and I pretty much need 300 level and above so that would be rather win, win I say. I figure if I'm going to have to take filler classes to meet my required number of hours that any and every CLA student needs then I might as well thread them together in extra minors, lol. Besides maybe it will make me look more flexible and pretentious enough to get into grad school, lol! Not to mention since I prefer writing fiction with a more fantasy twist then having some good medieval and Renaissance background can only help.
Of course I may take the intro class, and be like 'OMGZ WHY' which if that is the case then I'll drop it and look elsewhere, lol. All I know is that I'm never, ever taking two writing classes back to back again...never. Oh fuck me, I have to write my story tonight, god bless it. Oh well, it shouldn't take me long to churn out nine pages one way or another. I was think about doing it in the objective point of view since my professor thought the example I had to present in class was oh so marvelous.
Srsly, people need to shut the fuck up. I'm glad I'm going to class before I have to choke a bitch. I don't mind it if people talk, but it doesn't need to be the dominant noise in the study lounge.
I think it's going to be one of those days. Not to mention blackboard is being a royal pain in the ass. I think I'll take my laptop and download notes and stuff for Psych. I feel so disorganized, and ready to bang my head into a wall.
I just keep thinking that Bond is Friday, Bond is Friday, Bond is Friday. TGI(will be)F(soon).
everyday life,