It's always the prons.

May 06, 2009 01:03

So my FurAffinity page has been getting... okay traffic. I've been happy with the art I've been doing in the last several months, I feel like I've really come along. Rankings and shit like that mean jack to me, so I only occasionally look at things like how many pagehits I get.

Most of my stuff is clean. Some of it lately has had nudity, but frankly as far as nudes go, it's damn tame, and mostly me working out anatomy.

Well, I put up my first hardcore image today, a lil number I sketched up the Thursday before FCN as sort of a practice run and "demo" piece. I'm not immune to drawin' stuff like that... I've done a couple pieces for friends, and a few on commission. Porn art... doesn't REALLY do a lot for me, but it can be interesting. (Or just freaky-weird. Some furries are just... really? That is what does it for you? Which cruel thing should I say in response, so many to choose from...)

Naturally... the hardcore piece has gotten in one day like five to ten times the number of hits of anything else I've done since they got put up. And it's not even anything especially... unique?

I'm not sure how I feel about that.

artwork furry furaffinity pron

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