(no subject)

Feb 10, 2011 14:04

Scored an interview at Kings College on 3rd March, with the Nutrition & Dietetics dept. This is definately my first choice, but it's really competetitve. Went to an open day last year and they said there were 20 applicants for every place on my course.  Bricking it. Have to be amazing.

I have done that weird thing to my jaw again. Overenthusiastic gum chewing, as an outlet for stress. It sort of half popped out of place and won't pop back in again, so I can only open my mouth a tiny bit without it hurting. You'd think that would stop me filling my face with cake, but apparently not.

Got all sorts of things to do for school. Found out that the extra modules, laughingly entitled 'Personal Progress and Development'  and 'Study and Research Skills' are in fact compulsory and not optional, as I had assumed. So, I have to write 'reflections on learning and exam technique' and give them my revision timetable for 2 modules, and write a careers essay (apparently "I don't want to do filing for a living anymore" doesn't cut it) along with some other stuff, and hand it all in in March. Right around exam time. Deep Joy.

Also, still with the lots of new material to get through and assignments and stuff. Basically, I'm either at work, doing chemistry, whining, or asleep.

I am tired, overeating, alternately sad and stressed (sometimes both), hermitting and poor.
Plastering a smile on anyway and trying hard to pretend that all is cool in the hope that it will make everything cool, and actually, it does help. I mean, we're all tired, and it's the end of February so none of us are exactly at our shiniest, but there's nothing for it than to grit our teeth and soldier on. It'll be April soon, and everything will look a lot easier.
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