Jun 01, 2010 12:34
The two younger cats were eventually rehomed via Freecycle at the last minute. Yay :) The other two have gone to the owners mother temporarily while they work out what to do with them. Poor babies.
Words have been had about my lodger as well, and so we're cautiously looking for a possible new foster home for Puck. Sadly, I'm just not around enough to be able to give him his attentions :(
I am considering going to University full time. I have to check out what I'm entitled to grant/loan-wise and make a desision about the course I want to do and stuff - so will probably be next year rather than this year. I blame Ruth for making me jealous.
I have been having trouble sleeping. This is highly unusual for me. I cut down on the caffeine last week (from 9ish cups of coffee a day to 2) and it sort of worked, but this morning I was up in the night and up early with anxiety again. Perhaps this is not caffeine related. I will be purposefully tiring myself out this week as well as laying off the coffee to see if it makes a difference.