Feb 14, 2005 17:42
Happy Valentines Day! Again, im alone and i dont have a date for Valentines Day lol. Oh Well.
Ellen called me and wamted me to go to Amazings with her... I said yea and told her to call me when she got outta work. I kinda just said yea to get her off the phone. When I hung up I thought about it and I didnt wanna go so when she called me I said i had a date! HAHA...dont think she bought it but I really dont care! lol
Today was an ok day I guess. Woke up to some messages from Kevin and thats ALWAYS good. When I left to go get Eric at school, the first song I heard was a song that Kevin says he thinks about me when he hears it....A sign? hahaha.
Next year I want a date for Valentines Day...I want some roses! lol