Dedicated to Amy double vee,

Apr 02, 2009 22:27

The woman who successfully managed to fill up my friends page. It really makes me happy that you keep up with LJ Amy. =]

First week back in school and I'm pretty stoked. I've decided I'm actually going to get a 4.0 this quarter; something I haven't accomplished since high school. I was so unmotivated last quarter, which made it a lot harder than it already was. I made some choices that set me back in terms of completed classes. I always thought people had to try really hard to fail. I have now learned that you don't need to be trying hard to fail. You just need to not be trying.

Lesson learned. I managed to enroll in classes that will keep me waking up at 7 am every day. I've been to every one so far, and I don't plan on stopping any time soon.

Ultimate Frisbee has pretty much consumed most of my time. I went to more practices than classes last quarter. I suppose that will change this quarter as I'll actually be attending class... We have sectionals at UCSD this weekend for anyone in the area who would like to come watch my team roll the socal section. It should be fun.

My last stitches finally came out today from my wisdom teeth removal last Monday. Gross, and yet so very, very exciting. More exciting than the pain killers I stopped using 6 hours later, that's for sure. If I managed to skip town for Texas before seeing you, I'm sorry. I am going to blame it on the teeth though. =] Thank you for all of you who came to see me. I was really surprised at some of the turnouts. It means a lot to me =]]

Amy, I think this is why I don't post anymore. I just sound so boring when I reread what I've written. Maybe I shouldn't dedicate it to you. I don't want to have a boring taint to your name, as you are definitely one of the most interesting characters in my life.

On the flip side, why aren't you really in my life anymore? We live like... 2 feet away from each other, and the only time I see you is when you're running! Or when we had lab lecture last quarter. Honestly I'm a little hurt. I do miss you.

Now it's time for some lab writin uppppp. Yeeehaaaw!
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