singing into the wind

Mar 16, 2008 17:26

for the whole ocean to hear. I don't know where I would be without the beach outside my window. Probably drinking my soul away. As is, I much prefer combing the sands for burried treasure; but hey, to each his own. It helps me weather the storm, beat life at its own game. I miss feeling loved. It's becoming more difficult for me to wake up in the morning. I slept in past noon today. I don't understand why dreams seem sweeter than reality, life is good. These next two weeks will be wonderful. Less stress than I've been under in ages it seems. Winter quarter 08 has to have been the biggest, ugliest bitch I've met in my life. The good news is, she's moving out- evicted even. She's packed up her bags and is skididdlidaddling. Oddly enough I may actually miss her. She kept the phantoms from the past at bay.

I wish I knew the song that was wrapped around my heart. Its constrictions leave me fuzzy headed and dejected.
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