Apr 04, 2005 06:46
Im sort of reminiscing about the retreat i went on this weekend with my sisters. I don't think i've laughed so much and so hard in a LONG time! on man...It was like a permanent smile on my face.
I felt like such a loser laying awake in my sleeping bag...i was freakin' scared after the campfire stories. I mean i like going to haunted houses and looking at haunted places, but when i'm supposedly sleeping in one, ohhh hell no...
I went horsebackriding and it was fUn...my horse's name was ROSEBUD...like the movie Citizen Kane.It was cool, my horse was super smart and funny...it would eat whenever we stopped...and i think it got annoyed when Jaqy's horse relieved itself in front of him cuz Rosebud went around 46 right away. lol
MMMMM the food there was sooo yummy! i got excited everytime they said it was time to eat.
I came home and my grandma made chicken. I just looked at her and said "fine, just a LITTLE" cuz i think she gets her feelings hurt when i don't eat her food.
OHh man we met some funny guys....i laughed so hard when Carla called Winslow "JU" when i think she ment "you" and he was like "don't call me Ju, i ain't Chinese) HAHHHAHA
oh mannn i laughed a lot...and all these things are running through my head right now..........BAHHHAAHAA
alright i should go now, later =) i HAd mE some FUN.
p.s. i think this is my first entry where i stayed on one topic!