- So i woke up REALLY EARLLY today to go to Church..it was super boring and my aunt called my a preostant because during our father we hold hands and I GUESS IN REDMOND they dont do that...yeah i bet those STUPD MADRAS INDIANS TAUGHT THEM THAT!
- after church we went home to pick up my cell phone cuz i forgot it, and i kno i would prolly be getting calls from my signaifcant other
- then it was OFF to Beaverton to go to my little cuzn bday party at CHUCKIE CHEESE. yeah that was funn...on the way to chuckie cheese we got lost and went by valley and the 711 and the hot box..haha oh those memeories
- after the party i went to a family friends concert...oh man..so long!!!! and plus it was in vancouver..
- then we left to my aunts house in Lake Oswego because my other aunt from cali was in town and we were having a party n watched the oscars but i was working on my research paper n i just fell asleep on the bed...oops
- and then i drove home and now im home and just talking....very long day..