My Rocket Fuel

Dec 11, 2014 12:11

        The more I use coconut oil, the more impressed I become.

have been using coconut oil now for over 12 years.  As I grow older, coconut oil becomes more and more important -- especially in cold weather.

At work, I just put on layer after layer, and keep relatively warm while I watch the heavy smokers around me freeze because they are under the delusion that sucking hot tobacco smoke will keep them warm.

But while running errands, buses are over-heated.  Waiting for buses are real cold.  And when I am tired I get colder quicker.

Bodies need calories.  Even back when I allowed myself lots of carbs, carbs ae not nearly as efficient as fat calories.

Coconut oil is not only the healthiest oil on earth but is an amazing body warmer!

Great on Whole Food Chicken Noodle soup.  And makes te soup more filling, so a $10 quart lasts longer.
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