Quote of the Day (and Personal Update)

Aug 17, 2014 23:29

        Below from Fat Guys in the Woods on the Weather Channel.

Below that is my personal update.

Survival is simple,
All you gotta do is NOT DIE!

Survival has been scary a nightmare for te past month and a half. Social Security pays 3 weeks rent per month + some food. The other week of two rent is up to me.

Money has been dreadful Walking to and from work is exhausting. I put in a 4 day ~44 hour work week, but that includes travel time of walking 1 hour to work and 2+ hours going home.

I need more sleep. I need more $$ for food and supplements.

Wile I try to be cheerful here on LJ, I am more frightened than I have been since I was awaiting trial for being a draft resister, back almost 50 years ago.

Due to terror and my inability to use a phone, I have been remiss is attempting to get assistance from the government.

Tonight I am beginning the process of getting my shit together.

        I need to obtain access to the shuttle buses for handicapped people.

I will walk to work, but I want a ride home in the pre-dawn hours. I need rides to doctors, to social services, and rides home from shopping expeditions.

I am guesstimating that with rides home I may up my effective work week (not counting transportation) by ~50%.

With transportation I will try (once again!) for foodstamps.

Then I can start hassling Social Services for disability $$.

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