Feeling Copacetic

Mar 22, 2013 19:44

       On Wednesday, Kelleigh did more for my mood that I could have imagined.

        She may have located a house for us. On St.Roch. Not too far from FQ, but I will be questing after a hatch-back auto &/or a trike to get back and forth to work. St.Roch used to be a bad neighborhood. Crack, violence, gangs, etc. I used to know a gay couple who lived there before Katrina. Neighborhood youths (or as Cousin Vinny calls them "Youts") would put burning paper into their mail slot to cremate their mail. Likewise dog & cat turds.

But Kelleigh told me the neighborhood had changed a lot since Katrina. It is being gentrified by young FQ street musicians who leave bags of empty bags secures to trees on the neutral ground for people to use for cleaning up their dogs' poops.  [Non New Orleaneans should check here to discover what a neutral ground might be.]

Neither she not I have actually seen the house yet.  But she knows the owner and he is willing to sell.  No idea of cost or how damaged the house is, so no idea as of yet of the cost or when we can move.  No idea of size either.  Hopefully a 3 bedroom (or larger).

        What is needed at this point is $$, lots and lots of $$$$$$.  Both Kelleigh and Jen have been suggesting I get a cell phone with an app to allow me to accept credit cards at work.  Jenn is a world champion in the Baron Münchhausen Society so the many hundreds of additional earnings each week are nothing I believe.  However, Kelleigh has talked with other readers she trusts, so maybe I might make an additional hundred (or more) every month.

No $$ for cellphones as of yet.  I did put $150 into a rechargeable debit card.  I am still mucking around with registration because the dumb-ass site insists I need to give them my phone number.  As I have neither land line nor cellphone at present, that is not possible.  I have contacted Kell for her phone number (which I lost when my laptop went Blooie, but she has not responded yet.  Neither of us having full-time internet access at this time is a real pain in the butt sometimes.  My rechargeable debit card is from www.MyVanillaDebitCard.com.

I no longer have any bank accounts, so I can no longer cash checks.  I am not expecting any  $$ in the mail at present, but should anyone wish to send me any, once my MyVanilla account is set up folks can buy charge-ups at many locations, then e-mail me the secret code number to all me to add it to my account.

If all goes as planned, I should have a HOME with a GUEST ROOM (or two).  [Take note, Ranger Rick.  I told you back in 2005 that you could come stay with me for Mardi Gra.  If this house deal comes off, I should be able to give you a room before you get too old to want to walk around during Mardi Gras.]

This means I will be able to host gatherings  There will be NO smoking in the house. Clothing optional.  Possible sacrament. Gatherings go full time with quieter crash places for people to sleep. Probably no beds, but maybe an air mattress or three. Possibly gatherings of members and interested folk for Chthonic/Auranian Templars of Thelema.  Likewise, maybe Coven Beth-Ra-Lune (which is both Gardnerian Wicca {with lineage}back to Gerald Gardener and also several distinct lineages of Thelema) -- a not very common combo.

me feeling copacetic

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