nebris posted
something interesting about relationship this morning which prompted an old memory for me in a similar vein.
Back in the 1980s I knew a rather immature guy (Cary) who kept trying to make relationships work with dysfunctional women. He insisted that "two halves make a whole". I corrected him by telling him "Two halves make a hole." He did not like me telling him that.
Cary was a very "scientific" guy who insisted on taking all psychedelic related insights as *LITERAL TRUTH*. So when he became obsessed that he and a particular gal were somehow destined to make a baby together who would grow up to "save the world" he would not be dissuaded from his literal beliefs. Luckily, the gal of his obsession wanted no pat of him sexually and found him to be a pest.
Cary's heart was broken, but at least he did not make a baby who would grow up being fed years of drivel about being THE SAVIOR of humanity.
Cary came to psychedelics with *NO* background in magick, no daily magickal practices, and a very unhealthy fixation on SCIENCE (meaning literal belief that the rational mind was the lens by which all new experience MUST be scrutinized.
Cary became (for me) the poster child showing just how important Set-&-Setting really is for those embarking on psychedelic explorations.
Set and setting describes the context for psychoactive and particularly
psychedelic drug experiences: one's mindset and the setting in which the user has the experience. This is especially relevant for
psychedelic or
hallucinogenic experiences. The term was coined by
Timothy Leary, and became widely accepted by researchers in
psychedelic psychotherapy.
[1] 'Set' is the mental state a person brings to the experience, like thoughts, mood and expectations. 'Setting' is the physical and social environment. Social support networks have shown to be particularly important in the outcome of the psychedelic experience.
[2] They are able to control or guide the course of the experience, both consciously and subconsciously. Stress, fear, or a disagreeable environment, may result in an unpleasant experience (
bad trip). Conversely, a relaxed, curious person in a warm, comfortable and safe place is more likely to have a pleasant experience.
Of course, the
drug dose does not produce the
transcendent experience. It merely acts as a
chemical key - it opens the mind, frees the
nervous system of its ordinary patterns and structures. The nature of the experience depends almost entirely on set and setting. Set denotes the preparation of the individual, including his personality structure and his mood at the time. Setting is physical - the weather, the room's atmosphere; social - feelings of persons present towards one another; and cultural - prevailing views as to what is real. It is for this reason that manuals or guide-books are necessary. Their purpose is to enable a person to understand the new realities of the expanded
consciousness, to serve as road maps for new interior territories which modern science has made accessible
-Timothy Leary,
The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead In 1966, Timothy Leary conducted a series of experiments with
dimethyltryptamine with controlled set and setting. The aim was to see whether DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine), which had then been mostly thought of as a terror-inducing drug, could produce pleasant experiences under a supportive set and setting. It was found that it could.
[3] Set and setting has also been investigated from a religious perspective.
[4] See also
- ^ Shewan, D., Dalgarno, P. and Reith, G. (2000) "Perceived risk and risk reduction among ecstasy users: the role of drug, set, and setting" in International Journal of Drug Policy, Vol. 10, pp. 431-453
- ^ Rosegrant, J. (1976) "The Impact of Set and Setting on Religious Experience in Nature" in Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 301-310
- ^ Metzner, R. (1989) "Molecular Mysticism: The Role of Psychoactive Substances in the Transformation of Consciousness" in The Gateway to Inner Space, (Prism Press: Dorset), 1989.
- ^ Leary, T. (1966) "Programmed Communication During Experiences With DMT" first appearing in The Psychedelic Review, Issue 8, 1966.
- Leary, T., Metzner, R. and Alpert, R. (1969) The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead (London: Academic Press)
Further reading
- Zinberg, N. E. (1984) Drug, Set, and Setting (New Haven: Yale University Press) ISBN 0-300-03110-6