Below is a slightly expanded/polished thought I wrote as a comment to a post on
asperger. If anyone has any thoughts on a sign, please toss them my way.
Since I have come to realize how integral my Aspieness is to who I am and what enables me to be such an insightful Tarot reader thanks to
asperger, I explain my Aspieness to more and more people each week. The topic arises whenever someone asks me how I became such a good reader, or what makes me think I have a special gift which enables me to be such a good reader.
Over time, explaining myself gets easier and easier. I am also a Mensa member with a near genius IQ. Both genius ans being an Aspie are integral to who I am and why I feel I can read strangers so well.
I am contemplating having a sign at my work setup letting people know Aspies are welcome, and/or that my Aspieness assist me to glean insights I use in my readings. But I am not sure of the wording yet. I do not want folks to think I feel superior due to my Aspieness or because of my near-genius IQ. Over the years I have met my share of Mensa folk who are just plain idjits. Neither having a high IQ nor being an Aspie is any guarantee of being a good reader.
On a slightly related topic, I want to offer a new service beyond Palm Reading and Card Reading. I have collected and told stories for as long as I can remember. From People I have known. People I have read as clients. Stories I have heard. I often use some of these tales to illustrate points inreadings.
One of my icons at work is a fluffy toy spider symbolic of Anansi, the collector of tales, from the Ashanti people of Ghana.
Anansi is more than a collector and teller of tales. He (or she) also a trickser, similar to Coyote from American SW, and Brer Rabbit from the tales of Uncle Remus. At times, I need to become a trickster to get my points across to folks during readings, but I sure DON'T want that on my sign!. Being a trickster is a secret aspect of Anansi.
Some folks have no interest in getting a reading, but seem curious about me. Other folks are seeking insight into a problem or challenge, but do not want a reading. I am seeking a brief phrase for use on my sign which will (hopefully) intrigue both types of passersby.