My Hanging Scrotum of WiFi Connectivity

Jul 22, 2012 07:03

       When I signed up for $15/month WiFi, I was given a device to improve WiFi connectivity.  The device plugs into A/C and sits by my window.  Actually, it does not sit anywhere.  It is in a Rouses plastic shopping bag, then slipped over the end of a board which is slid into the metal shelf over my window.  So I call it my hanging scrotum of WiFi Connectivity.

All was working OK.  Not great, but OK.  Then Friday dawn, I lost internet connectivity.  I figured my account had expired.  Pages in Firefox displayed this message. 

The dude was supposed to have e-mailed me BEFORE my month was up.  I grumbled some, went to bed, got my ass down to the Cafe with my $15 in the early afternoon.

He told me he had not shut down my service.  He had improved the service and all I need do is press enter at the screen pictured above.  He asked me whether I had pressed enter.  I said yes, but I had received an incomprehensible warning message from NoScript.  He scratched his head and offered to stop by and see if he could figure it out.

He then gave me a new improved hanging scrotum, which I installed as soon as I got home.

The NoScript error message was still there.  I had a thought.  No NoScript in IE. I opened up IE, clicked on enter.  No dire warnings or incomprehensible error messages.  I then re-opened firefox.  All was copacetic.

But I still kept losing my Winamp radio.  Without winamp playing music, web pages did not load.

I went back to bed to finish my sleep.  [More next post.]

wifi, john bigboote

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