Over the decades I have known many people who became very sickly. Most of them had some form of medical insurance. So they trotted their asses to a doctor, were prescribes one (or more) drugs which (partially) removed the symptoms of their problems. But the sickness was not cured. More complications arose. More drugs (and sometimes medical procedures) were added.
I suggested Alternative Medicine. I suggested vitamin therapy, herbs, and other (more expensive) alternatives.
Each and every one of them informed me that their medical insurance covered the treatments they were getting from the docs &/or hospitals, but would not cover any of the alternative healing routes I had suggested. So they trusted their docs, and ignored my advice.
Iotrogenesis is the #1 cause of death in the US these days.
Life expectancy in the US is 34th.
Each and every one of those folk died, or were fucked up for life from "known side effects" of the drugs they were instructed to take. Some in their 40s, others in their 50s, still others in their 60s.
OTOH, I have known (or met on-line) people with little or no health insurance, who eschewed docs, their prescription drugs, hospitals, medical procedures, etc. They did research. They started taking vitamins. Not the puny RDA, but much higher daily intake of those vitamins which are save to take in mega-doses. These days, with the internet, it is easy to become a much better health expert than one's doctor. Sure, one needs to be on one's toes. 90% of everything is crap.
For me, coconut oil open forum is a good place to start, and Duncan is someone I have learned to trust. I also trust Doc Saul of
Othomolecular News, and
Vitamin D Council.
But those who came to rely on their own researches, as well as experts they learned to trust, outlive their peers who go to docs for what ails them. I know folks on-line who are in their 80s and have not taken a prescribed drug in decades. I know people who had been given a prognosis of immanent death, who turned away from the docs, and are alive and well decades later.
If I were a bit more of a tinfoil-wearing-Conspiratorial-nutjob than I am in real life, I would say the utterly horrid medical system in this nation was designed to enrich hospitals, drug companies, and doctors, while sucking the life out of patients. If people live long and are in good health, they work way past "retirement age" thus "taking away" jobs from the young in an economy which is crumbling. If the young are unemployed, there is far more chance of mass movement to force the 2-party system to reform &/or to foment violent revolution. The present medical system conveniently removes the surplus population, while enriching the docs, medical insurance companies, and drug companies.
An apt analogy springs to mind. It is like unto Jews being forced to pay huge amounts of $$ for their train tickets to Death camps in Nazi Germany.