More on Proposed HANO Police State

Jun 01, 2011 22:55

Below by way of C3 list.


This letter is excellent and timely. Some of the points it raises will be presented at the Louisiana House committee meeting tomorrow that will examine SB 78


Mike Howells


Considering how NOPD has still a long way to go to truly serve all people in New Orleans, we don't need another police force with it's own territory. Also, the number of affordable units has decreased so why the need to increase the responsibility of HANOs police force? Is it true that HANO police chief Mitchell Ducett told the Senate’s Local and Municipal Affairs committee that HANO plans to double the size of the police force? Why when there are fewer units? Why increase the HANO police force thereby putting more money into policing and less into the reason for HANOs existence: housing!

Increasing the size of the police force of HANO and giving it more power is imprudent considering the myriad scandals HANO has created all along in the past, from misuse of funds to outright embezzlement. The New Orleans Sherriff's Office and the NOPD already have arrest powers, New Orleans doesn't need yet another police force. We don't need balkanized law enforcement to the point where it could very well devolve into a modern "gangs of New York".

It seems HANO police are really a security service that is staffed by HANO itself. Some New Orleans Parish branch libraries have security service but are not charged with ability to make arrests. NOPD must be called to do that. HANO security as it is is itself another matter; perhaps HANO should get out of the security detail business and do like the library and hire a contract independent service. Giving HANO security permission to arrest changes it from a security detail to a developing police force. The bill promotes this .

HANO security does not get the proper training that NOPD officers must have. HANO security can do just as all other security does at libraries and such and call NOPD. Indeed, if HANO receives permission to arrest, what would HANO do to the homeless? NOPD already has the established NOPD Homeless Assistance Collaborative

that is supposed to work more compassionately with those who need housing. HANO getting arresting privileges would by-pass NOPD Homeless Assistance Collaborative
and Unity for the Homeless. Would HANO need to contact NOPD Homeless Assistance Collaborative
if the homeless people it bars seem to be a threat?

SB 78 is unnecessary for so many reasons. I urge a vote of no. HANO itself has a long way to go to prove itself and earn back the trust of New Orleans citizens and residents. HANO must prove itself and not get this added power just because it says it needs it.  
Thank you,

Henri André Fourroux III
1494 Athis St. NOLA 70122

hano, police state

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