On the downside, my brain seems to be getting progressively more stupid. I am an Aspie whose daily life is filled with routines which do not vary. I can get positively anal about my routines. But this past week (since stopping cyano-B12 last Tuesday) my brain has become utter mush and I keep messing up my daily routines. One of the symptoms of brain fog is B-12 deficiency. Writing into my LJ, making comment, posting to various e-lists, etc. Is going much more slowly because of brain fog. Humongous number of typos which need to be corrected.
Late last night, something was niggling at my brain. I had been thinking that the French Quarter Fest began this Thursday, but it does not begin until a week from Thursday. So I shall not be going to Whole Foods tomorrow, and this Thursday I need not get onto the Square at the ass-crack of dawn. 3PM will be just fine.
On the positive side, I haven't fallen asleep at the computer or while sitting at the toilet since work on Saturday night. I almost (but not quite) nodded out while at the computer last night, but no dozing off and no need to take naps. Seems to me the cyanide is flushing from my system.
I still have absolutely no need for melatonin. I started melatonin back around 1979 and have slowly increased my dose over the years as it became more and more difficult shut off my brain chatter and get to sleep.
No idea if my current lack of need for melatonin is just another symptom of my pseudo-Narcolepsy, or if my regime of youthing supplements (GH3, Pregnenolone, DHEA) are getting my body to make more melatonin, like back when I was a young man.