Below by way of C3 list.
It sure seems to me that Jindal should be tried *before* the next election, then put into prison so he will not be able to run.
BP claims processing CEO to raise money for Gov. Bobby Jindal
Published: Monday, March 28, 2011, 4:21 PM Updated: Monday, March 28, 2011, 7:24 PM
BATON ROUGE -- The head of a Hammond-based firm that is handling
oil spill claims processing for BP is hosting the latest fund-raising event for Gov. Bobby Jindal.
Scott Threlkeld, The Times-PicayuneGov. Bobby Jindal will benefit from a fund-raiser hosted by a man who has handled claims on behalf of BP, and later the Gulf Coast Claims Facility.
The $1,000 a plate cocktail reception -- the "host" level costs $5,000 -- is being held Tuesday at the offices of
Worley Catastrophe Response, and hosted by the company's chief executive, Mike Worley.
Worley has handled claims on behalf of BP, and later the Gulf Coast Claims Facility, since shortly after the April 20 Deepwater Horizon explosion and subsequent oil spill.
The fund-raising event is the latest in an aggressive push by Jindal to raise money for his 2011 re-election campaign. He finished last year with more than $9 million on hand and has kept up a steady schedule of money-raising events in Louisiana and other states.
Jindal's office has a policy of not disclosing who hosts the fund-raising events he attends. A copy of the invitation was obtained by The Times-Picayune.
Louisiana Democratic Party spokesman Kevin Franck said the fund-raising event represents a conflict-of-interest for the governor, who recently
filed a motion asking a federal judge to monitor communications between oil spill claimants and claims czar Kenneth Feinberg.
"Gov. Jindal is essentially taking money from somebody who works for BP at the same time he's supposed to be holding BP accountable," Franck said.
Jindal's spokesman, Kyle Plotkin, said the governor sees nothing inappropriate about the event. "Obviously the governor is running for re-election, and he wants the support of all people in Louisiana," Plotkin said.