I first heard of Lu by reading the Cincinnati Journal of Ceremonial Magic, and other publications of
Black Moon Publishing. I met Lu at the Maat Pangrove Abbey of Thelema during the first Warrior Lord Working, back in 1980. We swapped letters and writings by snail mail, back in the days before I owned a modem or Lu owned a computer. Lu exposed me to New Orleans Voodoo. The more I read, the more I began to perceive New Orleans as a magickal place I would love to visit someday.
When Raven suggested we move to New Orleans, if I had not been exposed to Lu's writings, I doubt I would have agreed to come to NOLA. So in a very real sense, Lu was the catalyst which got me down here.
Lu and Mish had relocated down here before me. They made Raven and I welcome and introduced us to some very interesting local magickal people. Lu and Mish eventually sold their home on Third Street to move north of Lake Ponchartrain. Their home was devastated by Hurricane Katrina, and they relocated to Bloomington Indiana.
Lu teaches special need kids. After Katrina, he had no work down here. Now, he has come back to NOLA because there is a place for him to work. Mish will be coming down here in a few weeks and together they will look for a home to buy.
Lu found me working on Jackson Square on Samhain. He used the occasion to take a copy of the
new Black Moon reprint of Gilles de Rais; The Banned Lecture by Crowley to the Old Absinthe House to connect with the essence of Crowley. He then gave me the copy of the newly issued book.
Lu is an amazing kick-ass drummer. I am ignorant about musical terminology, but before Lu moved away from NOLA, whenever the Mystic Krewe of Nutria was out on the town, I could tell from 2 blocks away whether Lu was drumming with them that night.
Louis Martinie'
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Martinie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Orleans_Voodoo_Spiritual_Temple