Aug 26, 2008 13:36
What color is your favorite shirt?
- umm. black with colorful writing.
Where is your father now?
- Work.
Are you in any pain right now?
- nope
What's your favorite band?
- I have a few.. sugarland, the fray, etc.
What's the last beverage you had to drink?
- iced tea.
Name something happening in the room you are in.
- Kara is speaking french to her computer hahaha.
Is anything bothering you?
- Being far away from Andy :(
When's the last time you had a headache?
- two nights ago.
Do you have any cuts on your hands right now?
- nope.
What's your hair length?
- Slightly longer than shoulder length.
If you go to school, are you ready to go back?
- i already am back and i looove it.
If you don't go to school, why aren't you in school?
Have you ever seen your favorite band in concert?
- Yeah, some of them.
Did you see your favorite movie in the theater?
- yeah.
Do you want pets when you have your own house?
- yesss.
What's the last thing you bought?
- An icee in Lloyds Marketplace. katie and i are hooked! haha
How's the weather where you live?
- It's really really sunny today but kinda chilly.
When is the last time you talked to your best friend?
- ive talked to pretty much all of them either yeserday or today
Do you drink diet soda?
- usually not.
What does the last text message you received say?
- "we're leaving now".