Eeeeee! I am so excited right now :D :D :D
See, I posted some things about a webinar by Kristen Eckstein the other day and this morning... SHE HAD COMMENTED ON IT. *nods* That's right! And she said I could drop her a note any time :D :D :D Okay, maybe she says that to a lot of people but... Muhahahaha! *sigh* I love writing ^_^
Okay, so today... is, oh yeah, Valentine's Day O_o It came up rather suddenly, don't you think?
I don't have a lot to say about it. When I was little my Mom used to give us candy and write us notes, putting them under our pillows during the night so that they would be there when we woke up in the morning. I loved it, except the candy part of it. Don't get me wrong, I love candy! Just not cinnamon hearts :S they are too... spicy, if that's the right word. I never liked them :/
We did do something as a family this year; at breakfast we were talking about the five love languages. Sounds kinda cheesy but it's actually interesting. We were having fun figuring out who was what in our family.
I'll write about them since it's supposed to be a "love" themed day :P
1)Words of affirmation
2)Touch, hugs
3)Times spent, and listening
4)Acts of service
They mean something to everyone but people tend to have favour towards one more than the others.
Like, my Dad, he's # 3, ,my Mommy # 4, my oldest brother is #2, my second brother is 2,3 AND 4, My third brother # 5, and I'm # 1, my sister is # 4, my next brother is # 1, my second to youngest sister is # 4 and 5, and my sister after that is # 2 and the youngest, my little brother is #3.
I know to, if I tell my younger brother that he did a good job, he's happy for the rest of the day and will keep wanting to do things for me to a point where it gets annoying O_o But I try and appreciate it :)
Psychology is actually a very interesting subject; I can see how some people go into it as a career. (Don't worry, I won't be) still interesting though...
Today marks the... 9th year I've lived here, my parents bought this house on this day nine years ago. Wow... time flies.
Well, any way! I hope you guys have a good Valentine’s Day and eat lots of chocolate ^_^ (I’m going to have ice-cream :D)