
Sep 01, 2008 14:20

Happy Labor Day, my fellow Americans! I hope you're NOT spending the day fending off horrid weather. Looks like most of the people I work with are going to get lots of rain and flooding tonight/tomorrow.

Miss K and I had a great 2 days at my parents'. We thoroughly enjoyed going to church, particularly on the day when Rob and Lori announced they're going to Vietnam in 2 weeks to get their son. *claps wildly* It was an especially joyful time!

Katie and I had a blast with a notebook and pencil. She wrote "Your a whackaloon". I wrote "What does a whackaloon look like?" She drew a lady sticking out her tongue, eyes rolling around, and wrote "You!". So I wrote "What does a zebra on roller skates going down hill look like?" She drew one yelling "Oh nooooooooo!". Then she wrote "What does a crazed monkey hitting itself look like?" We each drew one and giggled madly. Unfortunately, this all took place during the sermon. Mom gave us both the "Mom Look", which made us both giggle more.

Mom's little puppy has become Daddy's girl. She snuggles in his lap and follows him everywhere. She's been wonderful for them, giving them someone to lavish affection on. It's funny to watch them with her - Dad's the softie, Mom's the disciplinarian. Seems very familiar!

I talked with my Dad about my Inner Child. He said "good luck with that - mine has gotten louder as I got older ... and it has a charge card." He's SO funny - and so right. Smart dude.

That's about it - hope things are ok with you, too

family, random

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