What's on my Noggin'

Aug 12, 2008 22:03

Our Organizer Bunny (see "organizing" posts of March-May) made a lasting impression on my child. Michael was eyeing something at the store and trying to make a decision when I heard her little voice say "Now Michael - do you just like it, or do you LOVE it"... he put it down.*grin It was appropriate, too. We've clamped down hard on spending until M is working.  I'm optimistic - he's really talented and I expect this to be a short dry-spell, so I think we're putting off the right vibe to K. I try to keep adult worries away from her, but she's noticed a definite shift in shopping.  She's into the spirit of it, though. For instance, she opted to not get new school clothes "It's ok, I still like the outfits I have, Mommy."  Luckily, most of them stil fit. She rocks.

There's a strange man wandering around my house. Although he was clean-shaven when we met, Michael has had a full beard for several months and I got pretty used to it. He shaved it off today - thinking is that it will be more acceptable for job hunting. He's applied for some jobs that sound VERY cool and I'm stirring up what I can via my network of cohorts, so keep those prayers and good wishes coming. At any rate, I was sitting across from this really young-looking, dashingly handsome man tonight and felt a little like I was cheating!

Speaking of amazing young men - Michael Phelps. Damn. Is this kid amazing or what? I'm TOTALLY digging the Olympics this year - cheering on the swimmers, gymnasts, etc. has been great fun.

Speaking of being a fan - I've stumbled onto a "new" artist that I really dig. Her voice is very smooth and soft (Norah Jones'y but more folk sounding) and what I've heard so far is with acoustic guitar. Her Dominoes song has a very haunting lilt .. quite nice. Her MySpace page is here: http://www.myspace.com/dawnmitschele

marriage, michael, music

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