
Aug 08, 2008 21:38

Did I mention that part of our trip to Louisville last weekend was to meet Mom and Dad's new puppy? Her name is Millie and she is as cute as a button! She's a teeny thing, maybe 6-8 lbs. She's about half the size of any of our cats. It's awesome for Mom to have something to fuss over and take care of. It'll be good for Mom and Dad, both ;)

No further news on Lori, she begins her chemo next Friday and that will continue in 3 week doses for 18 weeks, then re-evaluate.

Miss Katie and I have been battling fevers for the past couple of days. She missed 2 days of summer camp, and I missed work today. We're both feeling better now. I guess the bodies decided it was time we slowed down. Lots of sleep and water seemed to do the trick.

Michael continues to work wonders around the house, merging his things in so he feels more at home and less of a visitor :) He gets more awesomer every day.

No luck yet on his job search - we're still waiting for someone to recognize that he will be a stellar employee. It won't be long, because he's brilliant, you know. :)

We're enjoying the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics. The commentators continue the tradition of talking WAY TOO MUCH. My ears are full of words, but they're still talking. *sigh.

Miss K and I played a game of Mousetrap today. I always LOVED that game when I was a kid and had great fun making my own chain-reaction type contraptions. It delights me that Katie enjoys it, too :)

It's supposed to be lovely weather here this weekend. I hope everyone is well enough to get outside and enjoy some fresh air. That goes for you all, too!

family, random

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