Grrf to Sears - Yay to Mariachi

Jun 23, 2008 23:00

I be annoyed with Sears Service. I bought all my home appliances from them - dishwasher, washer, dryer, fridge and most recently the furnace/air-conditioner. Several thousand dollars. I have maintenance agreements on everything. Problem is, they don't guarantee WHEN they will do the service.

We noticed Sunday that the ice cream in the freezer was a bit softer than expected. I checked the temperature setting and it looked like it had gotten knocked to a warmer position, so I set it to "coldest" and we went to bed. We woke up Monday and the ice cream was even soupier. So I called Sears for service. The earliest they can come out is Wednesday morning. I said "are you SERIOUS? all that food going to waste, it's the only refrigeration I have in the house for me and my little girl, and we're supposed to let it all just sit for 3 days?" "Yes ma'am, that's the earliest slot available. But we'll reimburse you up to $200 for any lost food." Grrf. That ISN'T the point.

A pox upon them. Do they mean to tell me that a company the size of Sears - with offices and stores all over - can't afford enough subcontractors to give next-day service? Color me completely unimpressed. So we went to a hardware store and bought a small freezer for the garage. We can at least save the meats and keep some ice in the house. We got that settled, then I noticed that the fridge side of the fridge-freezer is getting warm, too. Bah.

On the other hand, last night Michael and I were serenaded at dinner by a mariachi band. That was good fun! They played something rrrrrrrrromantic for the kissy-kissy. It was too funny :) As we finished our meal, we heard them play the "Frito Bandito" song, "La Bamba", and they were blasting "Tequila" as we were leaving. Good fun!


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