Who's Idea Was This?

Apr 12, 2008 13:36

Ow. Ow Ow Ow. Organizer Bunny came this morning for 4 hours. We got halfway through the study, which is amazing. But I'm exhausted. That's the most I've spoken in 3 days and I can feel the stitches pulling. I wanted to postpone but there aren't that many weekends left before Michael moves in, so I gritted through it.

I opened a letter yesterday that sent my blood pressure soaring. The hospital where I had my ankle surgery 2.5 years ago decided they want another $3500. Turns out my medical insurance "reclaimed" $3500 so the hospital account is now short. Ummm. No. Aetna had no business reclaiming that money - they got reimbursed in full by the accident settlement. I'll call/write a letter Monday. Just one more thing to cope with when my plate is already full.

Well, not literally. A diet of Jell-O, pudding, juice and soup has led to a loss of 6 pounds in 3 days.

Oh yea. I managed to lose my checkbook, too. *swear word. I have no idea where it is. It should be in my purse, but nope. I hope it's not too far away.

Sigh. I want my blankee. I think I'll take a nap.

whine, organizing, accident

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