
Jan 23, 2008 09:11

I rarely make New Year's Resolutions (restitutions, as K says), however I have some very important goals to meet between now and June.  The main one is "Reduce the contents of the house by half".  Yes, half.  M has a houseful of stuff he's bringing up, and I have 1.5 housefulls of stuff presently in the house... so if he reduces some and I reduce some, we should be ... crowded ;)

Anyway, I picked up a book (HAR Aren't I funny?  My house is filled to the brim so what do I do? Buy another book!  WOO!)  .. I digress...I bought the book "One Minute Organizer" by Donna Smallin.  It's like one of those little books you can pick up at the front of the bookstore, full of "thought for the day" kind of things, not a lot of long involved reading.  My hope is that I can pick it up, read a random chunk, and then act on it - this will chip away at the iceberg.

Ok?  Let's try it. 
Pg. 48 - "Establish limits on things like plastic shopping bags - 20 is probably plenty. rags, scrap paper, etc.  Decide in advance what is a reasonable amount to have at any one time and recycle the exess."

*glances at kitchen.  I bet I have 3 bags full of plastic grocery bags hanging on the door to the pantry.  I'll keep 10 bags in one and pitch the rest.
Off I go!


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