
Nov 22, 2006 23:49

Nice, slow-paced day. All stores were avoided.
I still celebrate the cancellation of the OJ Simpson book.
I still don't care about Clay Aiken and Kelly Rippa. Ripa. Ripka. Hell, I don't even know her name.
Michael Richards - so funny back on "Fridays", adorable as Kramer, and sad.
Katie + paint = fun!

I've known a fellow blogger/journalist for .. ye gads, 3 years? We met for the first time tonight. We ate Uno's pizza (drool) and hung out for a couple of hours. He was really easy to talk with - we talked about family, the goofballs in the news, holidays, future plans, all sorts of things. I love being near someone whose brain is firing on all cylinders. He's really sharp and has no end of opinion on things. He gives good hugs, too! And damn, is he ever cute.

Tomorrow is the big doin's over at my brother/sis-in-laws house. It's going to be a full house, and two of the women are pregnant. Should be interesting! Tomorrow is also the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. Mom and I always watch it on tv. Dad always disappears :) It's tradition! ...

Did I mention he is cute? :)

random, friends

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