Apr 23, 2005 14:03
so, i was really upset when i found out i was not going away to college cuz i didn't think i'de have the chance to meet anyone new, right? WRONG! i've made so many friends it's crazy, and mainly from work.
last night we tried to have a suprise party for mike, i was informed like a day a head of time, this girl amanda and marcus from work were planning it. This guy, Brandon Lange, found this place called Cue can Dos or something like that, too bad we got there and there was a line out the door and i guess there was an event, never the less...that failed, so we decided to go to amanda's house and had a great time.
also, i've realized that i'm not loosing my friends or pushing them away. i'm only being myself. if people are turned off to me then that's just what they fancy. i can't be what everyone wants me to be, but i dont think i'm any less for it. i think i'm damn good where i am.
so hypathetical question
you have a friend who has been really generous to you, goes out of their way for many things because you're in a rough spot in your life. they have reciently loned you 700$ and just washed all of your clothes. However, this friend comes into work, and despite any sign of demeanor, you think you smell pot on them. Do you tell your boss despite the fact that you have seen no change in demeanor, or is it your job to tell your boss about your close friend. Not to mention you have tried it before and this could jepordize your friends relationship w/ your boss.
humm...... bad words...jlk;afdskjaf;lsdav,....
theres so much that people don't know...it thrives in my head clawing it's way out through my arms...