I'm getting ready tonight to do something I've never done before, something where the entire country will see me and something you can only do once in five years.
Yes, Matthew, tonight, I'm going to be on BBC HD and BBC One tonight (or BBC Two in Wales and Scotland) for the
Election Results programme, being one of those anonymous election drones somewhere behind Dimbelby's right shoulder, tapping voting results into the BBC's massive computer. I've been in training all week for this, using my ridiculously posh telephone voice. You can go
backstage and get a tour from the director, or get an
intro from David Dimbelby So I've got two twelve-hour shifts, on Thursday night/Friday morning, and Friday night including the Ten O'Clock News. I've even got my
Wargames T-shirt, although the spoilsports at BBC News are making everyone wear a BBC Election T-shirt on top.
It's already ruined the magic of network news television for me - I was live on set for Monday's Ten O'Clock News - but never mind, I'm actually doing something IMPORTANT for a change. It's going to be FUN!
But I need to vote first...