As a professional media creator and writer, this is going to come off as incredibly snooty, out of touch and sneering at people who are working on content for the sheer love of it. So be it.
GSG2DWS5 has a very short interview with the editor of Doctor Who magazine, Tom Spilsbury. It’s eight questions long, and since one of the questions is: “Do you have a girlfriend at the moment?” (prompted by Mr. Spilsbury, admittedly) we can ascertain it’s not going to win a Pullitzer Prize any time soon.
The highly amusing element is the legal disclaimer at the bottom:
“This interview has been officially endorsed by Tom Spilsbury himself. This is EXCLUSIVE to GSG2DWS5 and we reserve all rights on this interview. Any reproduction of this interview without consent from both GSG2DWS5 and Tom Spilsbury will result in legal action being taken. All Rights Reserved.”
Mirrored from
almost witty.